
Guest Review: "Odds Are Stacked" Gloria Grandbuilt from Integrity Toys

"ODDS ARE STACKED" Gloria Grandbuilt
Text and Photos by Michael Basala

The first doll in the Katy Keene collection to arrive is ODDS ARE STACKED Gloria Grandbuilt [sic]. Let me begin by saying my biggest and only issue is Integrity misspelled her name. It is Grandbilt like Vanderbilt. I am surprised that being an Archie Comic's licensed product the name is spelled wrong. I only know about the early Katy days and maybe they changed the spelling when they brought Katy & Co. into the 80's.

I will come right out and say it.... I love this doll. I do wish Integrity had used a body besides Color Infusion but it isn’t a deal breaker for me. As much as I would like, I doubt she can share clothes with Lana Turner, Mini Gene and Victoire. Her legs seem very long!

I think she is lovely; beautiful with just the right amount of snobbishness to be Katy's frenemy. A few people on doll boards have noted a resemblance to Madonna from her Dick Tracy era. I can see it.

The fashion is based on a 1949 Schiaparelli suit and is fabulous! I would have preferred IT used a different veiling for the hat. It is pretty netting but too heavy for this use. I have tucked it under for pics because you couldn’t see her face with through it. The accessories are all top notch. She comes with a magnet pin which makes me happy!!! No more holes in doll clothes.

I was ready to rate this doll a 9 out of 10 when I discovered an unexpected touch to her suit construction; the jacket and skirt are lined in leopard print fabric! Just what I would expect from Gloria!

I preordered three dolls from the Katy Keene collection; Gloria, the gift set Katy, and Lorelei. The 1980’s Dynasty Katy does not interest me but I seriously may purchase "Blue Serenade" Katy in the future.

This line has not sold out so I am guessing it is not very popular. I don't know why but I know many people do not like the Color Infusion body. Katy Keene fans have said the dolls are too much Fashion Royalty and not enough like Katy & Co as they appeared in the comics. It doesn't bother me. I see it as an interpretation. I am more interested in the fashion and being a fan of vintage couture, for me, this collection is a winner right out of the gate.

"ODDS ARE STACKED" Gloria Grandbuilt - 10 out of 10 - An unexpected joy!


  1. Thanks for the review, Michael! Gloria caught my eye at the release but I had a number of other dolls to buy at the time. Maybe I'll scoop her up now before she does sell out :)

  2. She looks so lovely- amazing photos! I love her too- her screening looks fantastic, her outfit fabulous- I even love her hair!

  3. Mine is still travelling to Oz I expect, but glad to hear you like her, because I too bought the Katy Keene line for their fashions. The reason the CI bodies are not popular, I suspect, is because of their feet - they have big feet and the shoes are not inter-changeable with other FRs, which is annoying. Remember the days when people made computer systems that weren't interactive with each other? That was super annoying as well. Means all the CIs have to have their own shoes which is a pest. I'm thinking that the FR2s can happily wear their fashions thought.

  4. I love that detail on the lining too - how cool is that?! Hope you don't mind me commenting... I have recently acquired my first ever Integrity dolls and I'm in love ❤️ Being in the UK, it is hard to get hold of dolls without whopping shipping and tax fees so I have bought what I have been able to get hold of from European sellers but still very happy. I actually really like the CI body and like the fact that their feet and hands are more in proportion to their bodies but as I'm a new IT collector the fact they can't fit other IT clothes and shoes isn't an issue for me. I do hope IT continue the Katy Keene line - there is a gold mine of totally fabulous fashion designs ready to leap off the pages of the comics! I have learned so much from all you passionate and experienced doll bloggers out there, so thanks again and please keep blogging!

    1. I'm very happy that you are commenting! It's great to hear a positive comment about the Katy Keene line. Some of us US collectors will be able to ship to you and adjust the price so your taxes aren't so high. There are ways.


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