
My Ficon Gals and Brunel Visit the Parlor

I finally finished repainting Caroline's Parlor. It was not fun but definitely worth it in the end.
I used two shades of gray matte finish and semi-gloss white paint.
The window seat cushion is just temporarily wrapped in a scrap of upholstery fabric. I need to make a well fitted cover for that. The curtains will have to go as well. I'd like something more formal.
For the picture over the mantel I printed out several Matisse pictures I found on the internet and picked the one that I liked the best to go in this frame. I attached it to the wall using self-stick velcro squares.
My window view is the Capitol Building in Washington, DC. I loved it because of the cherry blossoms in the foreground in spite of the fact that there is no building that would have this view at this scale.

Furniture is Horsman. The fluffy white rugs are an Integrity Toy's product from long ago. 

The big issue with using a set with lots of verticals is perspective distortion. There are tilt-shift lenses that can automatically correct for this. I don't have one so I attempt to do the correction in Photoshop.

Brunel wanted to show off her new Chanel handbag

so she invited the Ficons for a parlor warming party. They don't get along very well.

It's not your turn to hold him yet. Go away.
Where's the food?
They all wanted to play with the dog; he was the hit of the party. No one paid attention to Brunel or the new parlor at all.

They finally left and Brunel got the puppy all to herself.

 The End of a dumb story.


  1. Looks fabulous! Such gorgeous dolls and outfits- love how your parlor turned out!

    1. Thank you. It's great having it but now I have to find a place to keep it. Sigh.

  2. Love what you've done with the parlor, and I agree about the curtains, a room like that needs something more substantial.

  3. Look forward to receiving your blogs daily, and I love this diorama, very nice!!

  4. Not a dumb story at all! Love what you've done! The parlor is amazing! Very impressive! Congratulations!

    1. Thanks, Cora. In retrospect, I guess it's not dumb but it is corny. I rarely write stories using my dolls but I was in a mood. I've gotten lots of very nice feedback from collectors and that feels good.

  5. This may be corny in your eyes, but it was fun. Even the clothes emphasize the "separateness" of the party; the three guests are dressed very differently than Brunel. Perhaps her party was a stop before they hit the clubs!


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