
Amy Farrah Fowler - Or Not?

Today Tonner released the promotional prototype photo of the Amy Farrah Fowler doll. At first glance, it looks like her. Up close, not so much. A few thirty-somethings that I showed her picture to don't think it looks a lot like Amy. I like her glasses and that's about it.
What do you think of this doll who stands only 15" tall and is on Tonner's teenager body?

See more here:


  1. gina in alabama6/13/14, 8:03 AM

    I am going to wait and see her in the vinyl before making a decision. She may have potential to be someone other than that character. Maybe a body swap will help, definitely dont care for the teenage body! I wish TDC would delete the teen body, it is not teen imo at all. Princess Mia (Anne Hathaway) is much more dressable and playable since i put her on a regular Tyler BW body.

    1. It's always good to wait with these dolls. Rarely do they show up looking the same. But you never know. Carmen looks the same as the prototype - exactly!

  2. I think, like a lot of Tonner sculpts, the bottom of her face is too big/heavy. :/ Some elements of her face seem right, but I think if you took the glasses off and showed the doll to people out of context, they might not recognize her.

    1. I thought the same thing about showing her to someone out of context. She is kind of unrecognizable anyway. It's her personality on the show that does it - not her looks.

  3. It throws me off that her skirt is so close in color to her skin! I couldn't figure it out at first!

    Fran in NYC

  4. Sorry. SCREAMS "Clearance". Like the glasses and sweater, though. Won't be coming here, nor will Sheldon.

    1. It will be interesting to see how it goes with the pair of them.

  5. Not a good likeness. It suggests her more than looks like her. Plus, her head looks too big for that body. A rather odd looking doll.

  6. Well.....rebodied on a mature body and rerooted....and repainted....I can see potential for a good Sarah Jessica Parker! the outfit is "eeeehhhhhhhh" the glasses are kinda cool.
    As always love the blog.
    Will C.

    1. mean a totally different doll might look like her?

  7. Those two dresses are beyond awesome!

  8. I think it looks like her. There's something slightly off but I'd recognize who it was even without the glasses. But I'm also very familiar with Mayim Bialik so... Honestly, I thought this doll was going to be a hot mess and I'm so pleasantly surprised that she isn't.

  9. I know the show is extremely popular but will this really sell? Does the world need this? I don't think it looks like her.

    1. Who knows? I don't think so but I'm not a doll manufacturer.

    2. Maybe. The geeky fans, like me, would prefer 12 inch action figures, along the lines of Hot Toys figures. Tonner just can't get the likenesses of real people anywhere near as accurate as the action figure companies.

    3. True that!!!! But I believe they use technology to help with the sculpts.


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