
Huguette Clark's Doll Collection "Empty Mansions"
Little could entice copper mining heiress Huguette Clark out of her solitary life in a vast Fifth Avenue apartment, except her love of dolls.
The recluse, who died childless at the age of 104, had a collection of china dolls, and perfectly scaled houses and accessories for them, believed to be worth more than $2 million.
And, although she was seldom seen in public, Ms Clark would come out of her lavish apartment if it meant adding to the collection. 
In their book, Empty Mansions: The Mysterious Life of Huguette Clark and the Spending of a Great American Fortune, Bill Dedman and Paul Clark Newell Jr. reveal how the heiress attended a Christian Dior fashion show - to search for doll's clothes.


  1. What a tragically sad and ugly tale from the gist of it. it sounds like others had manipulated her otherwise she would have been with her belongings up until the end and now they are fighting like hyenas over the things she cherished and the money which apparently she had so much of and was around so much of from birth that she didn't even comprehend. She obviously realized early on that few would value her for herself so became reclusive. Why do people allow elderlies to be treated that way??? The most horrifying thought was how long did she stay in a small sterile hospital room by herself with her nurse instead of her NY home with her comforts and dolls?????

    1. As to your last question...if you read carefully, she chose to stay in the hospital rather than return home. She felt safe and cared for there.


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