
Barbie Basics Collection 2.5 on Pivotal Bodies

Finally, what so many collectors have been asking for, Barbie Basics with Pivotal bodies. This collection was announced on the BFC last month but for those who still can't find the new forum or do not belong to the BFC, here are the pictures which can be found at Angelic Dreamz. These items can be pre-ordered there. Click on the images to see larger versions.

Models #4, 8 and 14. Due in June, 2011.
Basics Look #2 Accessories and Shoe Packs. Due June, 2011
There is no information as to whether or not there will be other dolls in this collection. I think this will be the most popular collection of all. Everyone wants articulated low-priced bodies.


  1. Yes! Finally! And they are super cute, too!
    I will hardly know what to do with all my money when I stop buying those "other" $150+ dolls with wonky hair!

  2. Can't wait for these dolls to come out. I have a pale Vanessa head that's just waiting for a body like this.

  3. My question is, why didn't Mattel give the Basics articulated bodies from the beginning?

  4. I'd like to know why Angelic Dreamz puts their own watermarks on other company's photos? These are Mattel photos, not pics by Angelic Dreamz, yet there's the A.G. watermark on each of them. I've noticed Angelic Dreamz does this to every photo, regardless of the company. I don't think they understand what watermarks are for.

  5. That blond has an uncanny resemblance to Agnes!
    Do you think the shoes will fit FR???

  6. @Better Bodies: I saw the resemblance immediately. Most Barbie shoes are too small for FR.

  7. Love love love these girls! lots of bang for the buck!

  8. Let's not forget that Mattel has been making pivotal/posable bodies for some time..and has led the way in invovation since the 60's with all kind of cool things that dolls can do. While I am not saying ANY company is perfect, I find that many collectors on the doll boards say the 'B' word like it is an embarassment or like to put Mattel down..but I really think they try to come up with new items and try to keep dolls accessible to everyone...after all where would all the 'other' doll companies be if not for Mattel...or all the kids be without their Barbie dolls! :) sorry, maybe a little off topic but these dolls are fab! And affordable too! After all isn't it supposed to be fun to play with dolls? :)

  9. @Anonymous: I love invovation. LOL. Seriously, thanks for your comments. I agree that Mattel and Barbie have made many doll lovers very happy.

  10. oops sorry about the spelling, I am a littel dishlecshic on the keyboard! lol I just don't type as fast as my brain works! haha

  11. I vas yust pooling your toes.

  12. I have to agree about angelic dreamz they used to be so good to buy from great service but I have found lately that they dont really care much about the costomer its all about the money I had a doll ordered and payed for and they forgot my order I had to call them and ask why my order had not be sent I got no appolige and it still cost me the earth there service to me has deminished some what but that is my opinion maybe the money factor has gone to G head its just disapointing that they have become rather pompus.

  13. As an African American collector, I am again disappointed by the lack of color in this line. I want some articulated bodies of color! That are not going to cost a small fortune.

  14. @Anonymous: I think AD is very good to buy from. George tries very hard to please his customers. You should try to get to know him. His service is A+++.

  15. I have to chime in about AD. I recently had a issue with one of their products, and Mr. Gonzalez was absolutely wonderful about it.
    I am sorry the Anon above had a bad experience, but I do not think it is their norm.

  16. @Carissa I am still disappointed that they stopped articulating the S.I.S. line. How do you introduce a doll line with some articulation and then completely take it away? I will say that I do like the AA doll in this 2.5 line. It is the Beyonce-ish sculpt that I have yet to get.

  17. I do not believe that this is the Pivotal body. The arms look to be the Fashionista arms, with smaller, more curved hands and a pronounced curved elbow socket in the upper arm. The Pivotal body has larger hands with a flatter appearance and an elbow joint that lacks the curved socket. More than likely, this is a hybrid body that has the Fashionista arms, and a one-piece Model Muse torso with Pivotal jointed legs (like the latest Harley Barbie). This would still be vastly superior to the current, immobile Basics despite lacking a torso joint, and the Fashionista arms, while having a slightly more obstructed elbow joint, possess more graceful hands than the Pivotals.

  18. On closer inspection, #4 has the Fashionista elbow joint while #8 has the Pivotal elbow joint. All have the Fashionista hands. It's impossible to tell about the torso joint with those tops, but none demonstrate having it through their posing. Of course, these may be prototype stand-ins as well. I'm not sure where AD got the information, as Sandi Holder's Doll Attic doesn't seem to confirm Pivotal either. We may not find out for sure until Mattel confirms it or the dolls are in hand. Attached is a website that has a great comparison of Barbie bodies, though they don't include the Harley and Flashdance hybrids.

  19. I agree with Carissa that I am hoping for more brown skin tones in Basics. But I won't complain this round. I will take the light brown girl and fix some old heads lying around - I can also use the blonde lady for some Asians from the first two lines. If 3.0 has a milk chocolate I will love that (though I've used Mods and they are great). And maybe in 4.0 we can get a dark chocolate for a few of my gals.

  20. Also, the black haired girl looks like Kim Kardashian. Pretty doll.

  21. where can I buy them?


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