
Virtually Stunning Alex Makeover Progress

I previously wrote that I was very disappointed with VS Alex. I purchased her impulsively and I was really sorry about that. There wasn't one thing I liked about her except her body.  I cut off all her hair and accidentally tore her scalp in the process. At that point I just wanted to throw the head away. I tried other heads on the body but her neck is huge and she is quite tall. Nothing looked right.
Using acetone, I removed her lips, cheek and eyebrow screening and some of the eyeshadow. I started liking the look immediately.
The third picture shows the current appearance of the head. I still would like to soften the eyeshadow somewhat and do something a little more defined with the lips. I used pastels and water color pencils the same way I learned to do a faceup on a resin doll. I sealed my work with a matte spray.
When I reheated her head to put it back on her body, I held my fingers on her cheeks and pushed in while it was cooling. This gave her more defined cheekbones.
She is wearing the same wig as the middle picture. The colors are different as I changed some internal settings on my camera to improve the quality of the pictures. The bangs were thinned.
I'm pleased with the progress. She looks less cartoon-like and I didn't completely ruin her and that's not an easy task. ;-)

Original Virtually Stunning Alex
After she was balded.

I have to admit that I still do not like her face but it's much better IMO. What do you think?


  1. There is something fascinating about watching this transformation...Kinda like seeing before and after pictures of meth addicts, in reverse.
    I think she is starting to look like the F2 Dasha, and the is a uniquely beautiful doll

  2. @Erick..."Kinda like seeing before and after pictures of meth addicts, in reverse. " I'm not sure whether that's good or bad. LOL

  3. @Terri...Def GOOD! the transformation of the doll is dramatic. I don't think she is pretty (before or after) but she is interesting, which might be more valuable. In some ways her face looks totally different...I think you should snap a pic of her as a brunette or red head.

  4. I've only seen pictures of the orginal and it struck me as harsh. The strong colors and sharp lines didn't work for me. I really like what you did with the mouth, the softer palette gives seems to work better. Someday try the eyes. Are you going to make wigs for her?
    Will C.

  5. That revlon doll (un?forgettable) and the fdq Deneuve ones should undergo your 'frankenplastic' surgery tips too. LOL
    About this one (Alex), her original face & make-up (1st pic) reminds me of the famous self-portrait of Tamara de Lempicka, but Alex has an even more languid look. At first, I thought she might need a much more agressive eyeliner like AG Goldmine, but after the "nip tuck" maybe the real problem is an underworked face sculpt.
    Christie H.

  6. @Wil:
    I have the equipment and instructions for making wigs. I really want to do it. There is so much I want to try. One day.

  7. @Christie:
    Deneuve has a terrible sculpt and nothing I could do at my skill level would make a difference. The Revlon 13" doll has a huge jaw. I am sure that she could be made prettier. I sold mine. I hated her. LOL.


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