
Doll Winners and Losers of 2010 - My Picks

So many dolls have arrived this year it's mind-boggling to look back.
I do keep an accurate database with images so I know exactly who arrived and when. I also know who was voted off or waiting for adoption.
The following are not all newly released dolls but they were new to my collection this year and deserve their honors. 

Favorite Dolls of 2010
'Blue Horizon' Gene - Part of the Gene Marshall Convention: The Girls from Dream City
Avantguard Mini Clone Set 
'Flame Blue' Vanessa
'Dreamy' Trent - Gene Convention
'Fashion Plot' Gene (Ashton Drake)
Dasha FR2
Elise Jolie FR2
'Dark Desire' Madra (Ashton Drake)
Cami Basic Platinum

'Red Rabbit' Misaki - I haven't had the time to photograph her yet!
'Disclosure' Monogram - "
'Bijoux' AvantGuard Doll - See recent post.
Evangeline Ghastly and all of her fashons. -See recent post.
Numina Devon.  See recent post prior to this one.

Favorite Separate Fashions and Accessories of 2010
—DollyStyle - Fashion"Our Eyes Conected"by Lovesound
—Tonner 16" Antoinette HYPNOTIC Fashion Doll Outfit:
This picture was taken inside the Tonner Company Store quite a while ago. The silver outfit is Hypnotic and it took a long time for me to get.
—PukiPuki  Hand-knitted Outfit
—'Testament' Sybarite Fashion. I had to have this even though I have no Sybarite.
—'Venus Rising' Tonner Anne Harper Fashion

—'Chic Explorer' Outfit By Louisham Louos
 —JamieShow Outfit from Angelic Dreamz

—'Look Of Love' Poppy Parker Outfit. Actually I like all of the Poppy Parker outfits. They are well-designed, tasteful, fit correctly and adorable. 
Modeled by Mini-Gene

—Christian Louboutin Barbie® Shoe Collection - Presentation in the box is beautiful. 
—Giselle and Smoldering Convention Fashions
—Randall Craig 'The Girl Can't Help It';  'Feeling Good' and most of his IFDC convention line.
—Tyler Wentworth’s “Red Hot” fashion. An "oldie." Slinky, red sequined gown.
—Tabloach Wigs for Puki which fit the Monogram Dolls.
—Horseman Urban Vita Collection French Chairs and other Horseman furniture

This was a year in which I felt I had way too many dolls and I looked at fashions and accessories more than acquiring dressed dolls. 

The disappointments were:
This was, for me, the biggest disappointment of the year: 
—Tonner Convention 'Unforgettable' 13” Revlon
Unforgettable - pre-ordering sight unseen can be a disaster.
—'Virtually Stunning' Alex - Coarse and cartoony-looking features ruined this doll's appearance and made me appreciate the original Alex even more. Why was this gal turned into an Amazon?
Left: Original Alex Body   Right: New Alex Body
 Today I acetone-removed her lip paint and eyebrows and she looks much better already! I am going to attempt a partial repaint.

—Deneuve - I could not love her face no matter how hard I tried.  Her body was wonderful.
—'Tricks of the Trade' Eugenia Perrin Frost - The fashion was not fashionable.
I think several design possibilities were overlooked. ;-)
—Vaughn Workshop Doll - My straightforward one-word opinion of this doll started a shit storm. The word was ugly.
Image by Petra Elise used by Permission
—Kesenia - Ridiculous looking mouth was created when the vampire fangs weren't painted in.

—Jordan 'Fire Within' - A sad mess in her overly youthful fashion and under-developed facial
screening. I did a partial repaint and sold her so I wouldn't be reminded of how much I paid for her. Loved the earrings and shoes.
This year we saw Fashion Royalty dolls' prices slashed by Integrity for the first time ever. It began with the discontinued Gene Marshall line and once they crossed that barrier, which had to have been an ego blow, they went forward with everything else that couldn't sell at retail.

I will be way more careful next year with the 12" dolls. Some of the dolls were pre-ordered with a kind of magical thinking that I'd love them. It was painful to see the gorgeous exclusive Nadja go on sale for half's still up there.

My list of wonderful acquisitions is by no means complete. Compared to the amount of items I collected, the list of disappointments is small—but if you collect dolls, you will agree that every disappointment hurts.

During the year I added to my Silkstone, Tiny Kitty and Cissette collections. I'm still hunting for Tiny Kitty's Dress Shoppe.  The Silkies are useful for displaying Fashion Royalty 1st generation articulated body (short) fashions. They fit the Silkies almost perfectly! The Silkie I really wanted was ridiculously expensive so I didn't get her. I do draw the line once in a while.
Cissette has an unexplainable attraction for me. How did they get all the pieces of this fashion onto this little doll? It's so over the top.
Look how cute she is next to Cissy.

Time to wrap up this way-too-long post. I'd love to hear what your favorites and disappointments were in 2010.


  1. I wouldn't have thought our tastes were similar, but I, too love Tiny Kitty and Cissette. No Silkstones, yet. New dolls are usually not anywhere near my grasp, but I have been amazed (and dismayed) at the variety, this year! Such a mixture! Some I hope to find for myself. Many don't get a second glance. A few I will admire from afar. :!

  2. if you remove all personal connections or event associations, my favorite doll this year was Numina Devon. my only complaint about that doll is that I could only afford 1. the whole piece was great. i love his work anyway, but this is the first time i've liked it exactly as it was produced, with no alterations.

    my least favorite doll this year was probably Convention Kyori. she didn't move me AT ALL.

  3. Looking forward to your repaint of Alex. I really was hoping in the initial launch, she would have a fresh-faced look, muck like she did in the past. Then glam her up in later launches.

    Did not realize she was significantly taller than the old Alex, and a lot paler!!! And you are so right about her facial paint being cartoony. That's why I didn't preorder the line, although I do have to admit I do like Paris's style.

  4. If I could have afforded I would have gotten "Asher", "Devon", "Luxe" or "Whose that girl". As it is I got AG "Freeze Frame", a disappointment, and "Bijoux", an absolute winner even though I am not found of the gown. I passed on "On Edge" and "Hot Trot" because they just didn't have any spark in even the promo pics.
    Can't wait to see your Alex. I passed on Alex ultimately because of your comparison shots. Though the body does look like an improvement on the basic AG one and actually has hips.
    Will C.

  5. RE: DENEUVE, Beauty is in the eye of the beholder! I for one think she has a beautiful face, but I think Cher does too and so does Streisand, some people would just say they have large noses! To each his own, that is why we all fall in love with different faces, we can't all appeal to everyone else.

  6. I like your observations, Terri. I was over the moon with the AG mini-clones, and also was disappointed with Jordan. I felt they let her down in the styling department. I hated her make-up--very amaturish. I would love to have her repainted, as I think they had something there, and she could easily be stunning.


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