
Amazon.Com for Toys and Dolls?

I have purchased many dolls and other items at Amazon through the years. 

A doll collector friend sent me some information yesterday about a book which is directed towards pedophiles and instructs them on how to avoid getting arrested and more. Amazon was challenged on several fronts about their selling of this book.

Re: Pedophilia's Publication Promoted on Amazon
Though they  removed the book after being inundated with protests Amazon already legitimized the pedophiliac's written publication and the very act of pedophilia by putting it on the mainstream website
They said "Amazon does not support or promote hatred or criminal acts"
I guess they do not deem molesting children a criminal act!!!
I am asking everyone I know to NOT purchase anything from Amazon for the months of November and December (I am hoping they are hit hard enough financially to see how outrageously unacceptable their actions were).
She asked me to let people know about this on my blog.
Well if you feel like reminding doll collectors on your blog that their toy purchases from Amazon might be better spent at an online store that doesn't support and profit from pedophilia - feel free.
I am hoping for there to be some financial impact (at least during Nov/Dec)  for their promotion of this pedophile - and their profit off of this entire situation.
It was and is beyond disgusting and the damage has been done - perhaps fiscal damage will be something Amazon understands.
They certainly don't recognizing the rape and molestation of children as damaging as they vehemently defended the issue as a "free speech" one.

You decide.


  1. Sadly we live in a world rule by money... Amazon don't care about abused children but they care about the money and publicity they've made with this book. Disgusting !

  2. Thanks for the heads up! Distressing! Disgusting! Disheartening!

  3. I already deleted my Amazon account. It's unacceptable to me, as well.

  4. This news was so upsetting. I used Amazon a LOT and now I just couldn't live with myself if I gave them another cent. What's even worse is that once the news broke, sales of the book shot up! Vile!

  5. Terri: Just saw this and thought I'd share. I can't help but giggle:


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