
Superdoll Chalk White

Dearest Patrons, Collectors and Fans….
Well, as we reach the very end of our marvellous S/S 2010 season and wave a fond farewell to an awesome summer here in London, it is with great pleasure that we extend a welcoming invitation to YOU!

The A/W 2010 Salon season will be launching with the introduction of Ventriloquet_003 (a darkly kept secret), Salon exclusive outfits and more delectability than should be legal!

Our 2010 Autumn Winter collection entitled: Inner Society™ will be shown and sold from our London Salon.

The Chalk White collection PREVIEW & SALE commences on 09 October 2010 at 18h00 with a champagne reception.
 This exhibition is open to all who would like to witness, view and experience the gloriousness of a Chalk White collection in it’s entirety. All we request is that you RSVP in a timely manner enough for us to prepare for your company!
Please see flyer attached for further details or do not hesitate to contact us by email or phone if you have any queries.
(please paste this above link into your browser)

Our very best from everyone here at SDHQ London….
Till later

1 comment:

  1. This is an event I would LOVE to go to!!!


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