
Party Down at the Pink Parlor

The Pink Parlor doll chat board has finally shed it's long-time owner (information upon personal request.) New owner, Nick, is not only a nice guy, he's a good-looking one, too.

This weekend the festivities include word games, photo contests and silly stuff with lots of prizes. Head on over and join the fun. Then stick around to make that board a fun place like it used to be!

Registration is simple. Just pick a board name and password and submit your application. Tell them Terri sent you!


  1. wow am soooo out of the loop... been a while since I get on the dolly boards..... thanks for the UPDATE, terri.....

  2. I have been there but it seems there is a great effort this weekend which is more than welcome! What do you mean by "finally shed it's long-time owner" ?

  3. Who was the "old" owner? Is the new owner Nick? I missed the party... Saw some pics from the contests though, people seemed to be having fun =)


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