
What Are They Thinking? Auction of the Day

Be sure to read the long-winded text to see what your $35,000. will buy for you.

"...breathing fairy glitter must somehow damage one's ability to think clearly and cause bizarre and duplicitous behavior."

I think so, too.


  1. Wow, this doll is just causing all sorts of drama! ( Thanks for the update, I'll be watching this one!

  2. OMG, there's no complimentary dinner? What a rip off!! It's interesting how $320.00 jumped to $35,000. Not to mention the fraud issue. The seller should have run with the $320 & got themselves a years worth of psychiatric medications.

  3. If I were going to pay $35,000 for a doll it would not be THIS doll! Where's the round trip around the world plus about 10 years worth of free gasoline??? Geesh!

  4. Awwww, the auction got yanked from Ebay only 2 days into the 5 day auction.

    I can't possible imagine why


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