
"Unforgettable" The Tonner Revlon Event

Yay! I pre-paid for this souvenir doll a few months ago and I'm thrilled! This is the new 13" Revlon doll. She is called "Glamorous Red" and is a new sculpt on a new 13" fashion body. She is just a little taller than my Fashion Royalty! This is going to be FUN.She is midway between Tiny Kitty at 10" and Tyler at 16" and I'm looking forward to seeing the fashions Robert will create for her. Knowing him, there will be an extensive (and expensive) line of clothing. Miss Revlon dolls were all the rage when I was a child and I'm sure I had a Little Miss Revlon amongst the Ginny dolls. She certainly didn't look like that.

I have been very tempted to purchase a vintage LMR but not knowing anything about vintage dolls, I decided that it wasn't a good idea. I know mine had dark hair, high heels, earrings, lipstick and that's all I remember.

Lest I forget in my this event there was a 16" version centerpiece called Glamorous Red who has the Breathless sculpt and sports an Antoinette body. LE 100.


  1. I like both of these dolls.

    Very pretty.


  2. I'm very curious to see how the 13" looks next to the FR girls. Sounds like a great excuse to use platform shoes (for the FR girl of course)


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