
Chrome Hearts Barbie Dolls

The clothes are to die for. The details are amazing but what else would one expect from Karl Lagerfeld? I was not familiar with Chrome Hearts clothing and jewelry as I rarely purchase things like $800. hoodies. (rarely=never) OK, so I'm sheltered, too. Putting fabulous clothes and edgy hairstyles on stiff-armed, weirdly proportioned 3-foot tall figures is artsy to say the least. How on earth is Mattel marketing this to these designers? There are much better looking dolls out there. Anyway, there is no resemblance to Barbie except for the stiff arms, perennial smile and the big head.

Is this Mattel's casual/punk version of Theatre de la Mode?

"Karl Lagerfeld's favorite ring-maker, Chrome Hearts (they make other stuff, too, like $800 hoodies and $190 trucker caps) has collaborated with Mattel's Barbie on a 12-doll retrospective.
Now, these are no ordinary pocket-Barbies, oh no. The Chrome Hearts Barbies are each more than 3 feet tall, dressed head-to-toe in intricately detailed Chrome Hearts clothing and jewelry, and they all have their hair done by celebrity stylist Oribe—who usually charges human clients about $500 for a haircut. The clothing, accessory, hair, and makeup detail is actually stunning—check it out in the gallery (above). The Barbies are valued at $18,000 to $25,000 each and will be on exhibit from April 10-24 at Roma Cohen's Alchemist in Miami, after which the tour will continue through New York City, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Tokyo, and Shanghai."
Image and text from RACKED. Click on the link for more pictures and information about individual dolls.

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