
"Dribbling Information and Internal Misunderstandings"

Members of the W Club were sent an apology for not having been informed that the FR Monogram Brilliance doll is wigged. I'm quite certain it was not anyone's intention to conceal this information.

The excuses? This is the funny part.

1. "dolls have been mistakenly sent to dealers" (To whom were they supposed to be sent?)
2. "accidentally shipped to dealers early due to an internal misunderstanding" (What is an internal misunderstanding? I thought they ship the dolls as soon as they're ready.)
3. "information...dribbled out due to this shipping error" (Dribbling information is not the same as dribbling lack of information.)

So they made a mistake or a few mistakes. Fessing up is good.

I'm glad the doll is wigged. It will be fun to have a wigged doll in this line.

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