
The Bottom Line

Every doll manufacturer has their PR or marketing persons who know the collectors and expect praise 100% of the time. The intelligent and mature ones have learned to separate themselves from the commentary and just look at the bottom line. Collectors and bloggers may criticize certain aspects of the product but we spend our money on it just the same. We photograph and publicize it. I've been told over and over again that my photographs sell the product to those on the fence about a purchase.

So what's their problem?

*Separate yourself from the product. It's not about you. Face the fact that nothing is perfect and no one is 100% correct either. Move on.*


  1. There have been many times that I've looked at publicity photos and passed...then seen a "real" photo on your site or another collector's and changed my mind.

  2. You would think they would appreciate constructive criticism from someone who obviously KNOWS what they're talking about. If they want a automaton, they should put you on the payroll!

  3. You annoyed someone with a review Terri? Bad for them. If they cannot learn from criticism let them be. I got lots of flak for my Tonner presentation in my blog from die-hard Tonner fans who think all product is perfect. Well we beg to differ. Keep up the good work.

  4. Stratos - your "review" was a straight up trashing of the entire line, what did you expect? Don't start off a review saying you're going to talk about what you liked and then proceed to talk about how you hated everything. If you hate everything, just be honest about it instead of some pretense of objectivity. Tonner is FAR from perfect but that was just a bitter and meanspirited review.

    Terri, you offer very thoughtful and reasoned commentary and it's too bad that some companies are not equipped to deal with that.

  5. nicolars, since I mention at least ten dolls/outfits I like from the 2010 line up I don't find it trashing. I will not say more since this is Terri's blog, if you want to discuss it more, e-mail me.

  6. We all know what the problem is, Terri. It's a lack of discernment on the part of many fashion doll collectors, coupled with an agenda and/or industry connections, that requires these people to attempt to control all discourse. Collectors who are TRULY passionate about this hobby understand this, and turn to blogs such as yours (and Stratos') for your take on the current releases. Please keep up the good work!


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