
Jamie Show for Angelic Dreamz

Recently Angelic Dreamz began shipping the Jamieshow dolls that they helped to develop. I have been reading the reviews on Prego and it sounds like the dolls are winners in almost every aspect.
There are four characters, Mayumi, Kyra, Jamie and RuYi. Each comes as a basic doll dressed in lingerie or as a dressed doll in a beautiful ensemble.
The dolls are wigged with painted features although Mayumi, Kyra and Jamie can be optionally had with drilled eye sockets for an additional charge.

Pictured below: Jamie, Kyra, Mayumi and RuYi.JAMIEshow Basic Dolls

The dressed dolls:
JAMIEshow Dressed Blossom Collection

Prices range from $249.95 for the basic dolls to $345.95 RuYi dressed, $375.95 for Jamie (red gown)
to $425.95 for Mayumi and Kyra.

There are four additional gorgeous gowns available at $124.95 each.Jamieshow Outfits
In addition, a collector may choose to purchase an optional hand set, jewelry and doll stand. I've heard that this stand is one of the best ever for 16" dolls! The only negative information that has come from collectors is that the eyes and wigs aren't the quality they expected and Kyra's finish should be more matte. But the weight of the body is excellent and the posing is superior - even without a stand.

For more pictures and information visit Angelic Dreamz.


  1. I saw One of them IRL and was not impressed, the hands are a copy of the Manicure set made by suprfrock for the Sybs (given to attendees in paris 2008) the resin is super light and the posing on the one I saw was nothign to brag about , an AG can give you the same poses
    The wigs are CRAP, Monique's wigs are better quallity, I think the bets thign of these dolls is the price, but even that one can always wait a lill longer and get a better product.
    Yes I kwno my review clashes with what one can read on prego but, one hardly ever get an honest review there, people doesn't say anything negative about almost anything because everybody gets bent out of shape and hurt over there..

  2. @Dolling_Boy
    Thanks for your review. I believe in posting different opinions and experiences. Several months ago I was loaned the original Grey doll. Apparently everyone but me knew of this dolls 'kicky' issues. I posted about it. I couldn't even work with the doll long enough to get a photo that met my standards. Even though I was polite and was just posting my experience, I was bombarded with statements to the contrary as if my experience wasn't valid. I often feel in a precarious position on the doll boards about posting my opinions - but here on the blog, that's a different story.'s the same story out in the 'real world.' You speak from your own experience, feelings and truth and someone is bound to be angry, hurt, indifferent, pissed off and hostile.
    I could tell you a story about threats that two people made to someone else because of my writing style and expression. Unbelievable.
    Keep posting!


  3. Yes I Remember..I can't say anything about the Numina dolls as I have yet to get one..or see one I care enough to get...
    re the Jamie Show dolls I think that they didn't put enough thought on this line..just threw it together mainly based on the price.. it prolly wnet dow something like.."lets create a doll line of resin made dolls that is priced cheaper than the Sybs and will blow the Sybs away...and they came up with their doll just doesn't look coherent (the outfits the dolls the hands is all like a collage of things and not like a collection) and the quallity is not all that ...
    Re The online Boards ( and not just Prego) it is sad that a group of very reactive people has taken virtual control of what we dare to say or not simply cos of the way they gang up on the disidents..I hardly ever post anything that is not a picture ... and even then I get no reactions...

  4. LOL It seems the Frockmeisters have sent their flying monkeys out to disparage anything not connected to the Cult of Sybarite.

  5. @ tujorspret.. now that you got that out..anything to say about the dolls? cos that is what we are talking about, isn't it? personal attacks and such should be done in private don't you think?

  6. @tujorspret
    Please play nice! We can disagree without being disagreeable.

  7. Price will get people to buy these dolls.. unfortunately Angelic Dreamz photography won't. I think it deliberately too dark to hide the shine of the resin. All doll magazine adverts are deliberatly dark, with a soft glow.

    A friend is getting one shipped.I do know she hates shiny dolls. She hasn't been happy with the pics that have been available. Time will tell.
    If she hates it.. she will offer it to me.. I know.. she always does.. lol.. for mega cheap.

    Unfortunately telling people that this is higher end, bettr quality resin when it's shiny is hard to comprehend. The wigs have not been the best.

    Time will tell. I will be seeing it Thursday.

  8. Hi
    I've just purchased a Jamie Show doll on Prego, and so far, I'd have to say I'm happy with her. Although I agree, the wigs could be better quality. But I have a question, does anyone know if this doll can wear Syb or AvantGuard clothing and shoes?

  9. Fashion Doll Empire did an unbiased, without hidden agenda review of the jamieshow Kyra. Cliff's Ms Latte (Chewin Kyra repaint) is so gorgeous and it shows the dolls full potential. Now we don't need to pay an exhorbitant price to own a beautiful doll with a better articulated figure than her very pricey counterpart.

  10. Thanks for the info about fashion doll empire site and articles on jamieshow dolls, it was very helpful!

  11. lol
    todos son unos pateticos
    salgan a vivir hay un mundo a fuera de sus casas
    dejen de comprar ridiculas muñecas que tienen la cara horrible,si ellas pensaran(las jamie show)apuesto
    a que quisieran no ser utilisadas todo el tiempo ni vivir en sus cajas como usted.
    las venera ya basta de usd.
    los sociopatas colleccionistas


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