
Michelle Obama Inaugural Doll

Is this a picture of the doll or a picture of the real Mrs. Obama? I'm guessing it's mostly a touched up photograph. If this is what the real doll looks like, I'm getting one. She looks like she will start moving at any minute in this picture. The doll is 16" including the stand.

She is from the Danbury Mint and here is the description from the website:

An exquisite, all-porcelain collector doll capturing the very essence of our nation's First Lady.
Our skilled artisans have perfectly replicated Michelle Obama's Inaugural Ball attire down to the very last detail. Her white, one-shouldered chiffon evening dress has been hand-tailored and features all of the touches that made the original gown so spellbinding.
We've also expertly re-created her stunning diamond bangles, drop earrings, and sparkling cocktail ring. The result is an elegant porcelain sculpture that radiates with the First Lady's uncommon strength and beauty.

No mention of the gown's designer, Jason Wu? How do they get away with that?

The doll retails for $149 plus $9 for shipping and handling. The website says the doll is on back order until October 2009. (Are they coming from the same factory as Valia?) That's odd. How did it get on back order if it was just released? I don't think it's even been produced and my guess is that it won't look like the picture at all.

Link to the Danbury Mint


  1. Yesterday, Oct. 29, 2009, I received my Michelle Obama inaugural doll. I placed my order on June 1, 2009. If you expect the doll to look exactly as the one advertised (which I did), you'll be sorely disappointed (as I am). There is a slight resemblance, but that is all. I should mention that the dress is not as detailed as the dress Mrs. Obama wore at the inaugural or that is depicted in the advertisement. They skimped big time on the appliques. The bracelet is sort of cute, the earrings are so-so and the ring is not raised, as it appears in the ad.

    We all know that the first lady is well known for her beautifully toned arms; however, this fact was totally lost on the artist. I could go on and on, but I think you get the picture.

    I'm contemplating sending it back because, as I said, it looks nothing like the doll that was advertised; however, I may decide to keep it to remind me of what that moment in time meant to me. I have less than 30 days to make that decision. This is the first time I've ordered anything from the Danbury Mint. It will very likely be my last. In my opinion, this was misleading/dishonest advertising at the nth degree. I should say in all fairness, though, that the doll is nicely made - in China; it's just not a carbon copy of the doll advertised and the doll I ordered.

    I'd be interested in reading what others thought of the doll they ordered and have now received.

    1. I too was disappointed in my doll and considering sending it back, but I wanted apart of history.

  2. Gwen: Sorry to hear this news. I'm not surprised. Could you send me a few pictures via email? I'd really like to see the doll in person.
    You can find my email by clicking on my profile on the right hand side of the page near the top.


  3. Terri: Sorry I'm just getting back to you. I was in my office when I contacted you earlier.

    I wish I knew how to send pictures via email, but I don't. I can, however, take the doll into the office with me on Monday and have our tech guy photograph it and send it to you, though I am hoping that someone who has the doll will come across your site who is more tech savvy than I and send you pictures.


  4. Gwen: There's no rush. Do it at your leisure. I am so interested in seeing what she really looks like. You are the first I have heard of who has her.
    Thank you so much.

  5. Ok, Terri, here you go. I found a site where someone has received this doll. Very clear pictures of it plus of the Barack Obama inaugural doll the Danbury Mint plans to produce.

    Check out:

    I look forward to your comments.


  6. OMG it's awful. I'm going to ask the owner of that blog if I can use her picture. I hope you will still ask your co-worker to shoot the doll for me.

  7. Just Awful - I ordered on 11/12 as a gift to my 22 month old from her great-grandfather and paid extra for express shipping due to the fact the site claimed there was a back-order and new shipments would not be released until 12/7. well needless to say- that was a waste. I received the doll today and to my dismay - SHE LOOKS NOTHING LIKE THE THE AD!!!!!!!!
    I called and requested a return label. I will be return the doll tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. I received my doll today after waiting several months. I was extremely DISAPPOINTED in the craftmanship of this doll. It looked nothing like the advertisment and I will be sending it back ASAP. Until this doll is made better, Danbury Mint needs to stop selling it.

  9. I received my doll today and to make a long story short, Michelle Obama would be shocked if she knew Danbury Mint was selling such poor quality inaugural dolls of her. I suggest that you stop selling this doll until you get it right, otherwise you are wasting your customers time with having to send it back, not to mention your deminishing your reputation.

  10. I received my Michelle Obama doll this morning (12-1-09). I packed it up and had it back to the UPS store this afternoon. It looks awful. It really doesn't even resemble the doll I thought I was buying. The picture in the ad was beautiful, but this doll is anything but beautiful. It does say on the original order form that the actual doll may vary slightly from the picture - WOW - was that an understatement. This was a case of false advertising at its best.

  11. So far I have not heard from a single satisfied buyer of this doll.

  12. I received my doll today, very disappointed and will return it. The picture of the doll inside of the box should have been the one shown to advertise the doll.

  13. Both my Sister and I ordered the Michelle Obama doll and we are both very disappointed.

    The doll does not look like the original picture and we will be sending them back.

    My sister, who is a doll collector, has ordered many dolls from Danbury Mint over the years and they have all looked like the picture sent with the exception of this one.

    Danbury Mint has always included a return form with the order, but not this time. I wonder why?

  14. This is such a horror! I'd like Danbury Mint to come out with some sort of statement. Maybe there are people who actually like the way the doll turned out. Who knows?

  15. This comes as no surprise to me. The Michelle Obama Inaugural doll has now hit eBay. There are two listed - one as a buy-it-now for $299. Unbelievable.

  16. Greetings folks,
    I am employed by the Danbury Mint and can't help but agree with the complaints here regarding the appearance of the Michelle Obama Inaugural Doll in comparison with the photo. There really is a noticeable difference, however (and I know you may not think I can be objective and that's fine) I am impressed with the quality of the doll. I don't quite agree with Gwen and her comments about DM "skimping on appliques" and that the dress doesn't match the photo. For the most part, I believe it does. Believe me, I can understand your disappointment in the difference between the photo and actual doll and I regret the photo was used. Having said that, if it were me receiving it, I believe I would be pleased with the doll. In my opinion it clearly resembles the first lady, even if not exactly like the photo. Also, a porcelain doll is basically a sculpture and an artist's interpretation. And as such, I believe the Michelle Obama Inaugural Doll is a fine piece.

  17. To Anonymous who is employed by the Danbury Mint: Why are you remaining anonymous? How can you say: "even if not exactly like the photo?"
    You are so prejudiced just by that remark. Not exactly? OMG. Are you blind?

  18. Oh, I am so sorry to read about this doll as I recently ordered it. I have not received it yet and now am not looking forward to it. It is so beautiful in the picture.

  19. I am soooo very glad to have had the benefit of others' experience with the doll and I appreciate all comments. I was just about to order this product and thought I better conduct a 'google' search first.....glad I did as I will NOT waste my time and money.

  20. I received my Michelle Obama Inaugural doll yesterday and I've requested my return postage paid sticker!! I wanted to cry when I saw the doll, she look's nothing like my pretty First Lady!! How dare The Danbury Mint disfigure Michelle Obama with that ugly doll!!!

    Houston, TX

    1. If it's ugly, it must be really lifelike then.

  21. I have been truly disappointed as well..... this was my first purchase with Danbury Mint. When contacting Customer Care to advise them of my disappoint, I must say, there was no fuss... the agent kindly asked to verify my email address and I had return labels in less than 5 minutes. In the event anyone can produce a doll that looks close to or resembles the First Lady, I will gladly make a purchase. I purchased more than one for Christmas gifts... Now I am searching for something else for the ladies in my family that had everything... this was suppose to be the perfect gift.

  22. My daughter and I were both very excited seeing the picture of the doll with the intent to order - until we read the comments. It is unfortunate that the doll does not resemble this beautiful photo, I won't waste our time or money ordering this keepsake doll. I sincerely hope another manufacturer can duplicate a porcelain doll that would clearly capture the beauty of First Lady Michelle Obama!

    Harrison Township, MI

  23. I ordered four or Michelle Obama dolls and everyone is more than pleased. The dresses were a little wrinkle due to packing and shipping

    Pensacola Fl

  24. Received doll today, horrendous, nothing like the photo on the website. printed out website photo, look closely, Michele Obama's face has been photoshopped onto the photo of the doll on the website. will be calling for shipping label tomorrow!

  25. Danburry Mint employee, the problem is, false adverstising. If the actual "scuplture" is what you want people to purchase, that should be what is on the website. Apparently, DM realized the "sculpture" was not something most people would purchase, thus photo shopped face superimposed on dolls body on the website. Let people informed choices. Dishonesty is the problem.

  26. Maybe. You guys bought your doll from a fradulent company posing as the danbury mint because I got my barack and michelle obama dolls for christmas. This year and they. Are absolutely stunning I can provide pictures of the dolls if you want. The ring even the. Nail polish on her toes or on point I feel sorry for you. Guys.

  27. Please! Post pictures.


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