
6-19-08 Most Desired Eugenia

Many dolls have shipped since my last entry. I will begin with Most Desired Eugenia because IMO she is the most perfect Eugenia to date. She is even better now than she appeared to be at FAO in February!

The pictures attached to this post show her redressed in a little white dress from SL Doll Fashion. Her lips, her hair and everything else about her put her at the top of my "I love that doll" list.

MD comes dressed in a big blue gown that is embellished with tubular beads of the same color. It's a stunning gown but could be worn by a pregnant doll. It's got pockets - here we go again with the pockets. All in all, it's magnificent but would be hard to wear in reality. She came with panties and a garter belt and stockings and the strangest shoes. They're not bad for a suit or other outfit but they are clunky and so not formal I wonder who made the decision to pair them with this doll and gown. Haute couture my foot. I will have to enclose a picture eventually.

The quality control on this issue was excellent. I did break an earring removing it from the card upon which it was sewn to last a lifetime. I was able to crazy glue it back together. Her hair is a fine quality and styled neatly. Her eyes are not wonky. Her lips are magnificent. I love her!

And if you're looking for one, I've got an extra NRFB! (Not any more as of 7/19/08)

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