
4-12-08 Starring Agnes

This year the OZ Convention in Australia featured two Agnes dolls. The convention doll High Gloss is pictured here. The companion doll, Firefly Agnes, has not had the pleasure of meeting my camera yet.

This doll arrives in an outfit that Captain Kirk would have liked. It is definitely spacey, sparkly and over-the-top. Although it made quite a dramatic appearance at first, I sold it ASAP. I would have liked to keep the jewelry but the buyer wanted it.

I dressed Agnes in Mio's custom made corset and IFR Eugenia's extra skirt. I had a wonderful time posing her with high gloss items - mirrored boxes, gold columns and a big gold metal shell. The reflection from the mirrored box added interest to the background - a fortuitous happening that I like alot.

This doll is definitely not for the faint of heart. Her eye makeup is very heavy-handed. However there is less of the misery about her in this version and so she is the second Agnes I am keeping in my collection. Firefly is the third and you will see why in my next post.
Here's High Gloss!

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