
3-18-07 Poesie Sans Coleur

I wish I remembered to write more often. I am very happy to report that Poesie Sans Couleur Vanessa arrived last week. Since I didn't need the cocktail dress I sold it immediately. I photographed her in her wedding gown and sold that too. Was going to sell the lingerie but Vin changed my mind. I am waiting for my rerooted IM Vanessa to return from Susan K's salon with her new hair and do.

Poesie is already on a tall body. I was afraid to warm her up for fear I would ruin her hair but it's OK. I carefully monitored its placement in the heating pad and limited the time it was in there getting warm.


  1. Terri -- this doll is gorgeous. I am going to have Jon Copeland make ma a Poesie from Vanessa in Bloom on a tall body. I had already planned to do this months ago -- your pictures have reminded me of this desire. Take Care Carol Smith

  2. Terri -- this doll is gorgeous. I am going to have Jon Copeland make ma a Poesie from Vanessa in Bloom on a tall body. I had already planned to do this months ago -- your pictures have reminded me of this desire. Take Care Carol Smith


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