
Queen Elizabeth II Dolls

 Here are a few of the Queen Elizabeth II dolls and figures I found on the internet this morning. I am sure there are more artist-created dolls not shown here. If I were to choose one, the second one down would be my choice of artist dolls. Of the mass-produced dolls, the Bradford Exchange is my favorite. Unfortunately, their promotional photos are always better than their product.

The Funko Pop figurine actually captures the essence of the Queen with the hat, the bag, the black low-heeled shoes. They did a good comic job. 

Mattel's Platinum Jubilee Doll is very unattractive IMO. The Cissy just looks like Cissy in a gown and tiara. It's a very pretty doll. 

There is probably a lot of demand for available representations of the Queen at this time and I'm sure entrepreneurs are already using her death to come up with new items.


Vintage Liberty of London Queen Elizabeth II

Royal Court Collection

Queen Elizabeth II Porcelain Portrait 95th Birthday Doll

Peggy Nisbet Doll

Madame Alexander Cissy at Queen Elizabeth of England

Funko Pop! Royal QEII Pink Figure #01

Bradford Exchange

Barbie Signature QEII Platinum Jubilee Doll

Artist Doll

Queen Elizabeth  1953 Coronation

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