
How to Re-Cover a Horsman Lounge Chair by Miriyum of Yum Yum Couture

You will need 1/2 yard of fabric, 8" X 12" rectangle of 1/4" foam cushioning, 1/8" stiff cardboard or posterboard, Fabrictac glue, spray adhesive, small Phillips screwdriver, sewing machine and paper towels, marking pen whose marks disappear when ironed. Get them all together before you start to work. 

Using side pieces of fabric peeled off the chair as templates, cut 2 side pieces from your fabric.

Apply glue to cardboard edges ONLY of chair sides and press side pieces to chair. Notch inner curve of fabric to fit the chair and prevent overlapping fabric. Clip wider curved side of the fabric to fit the curve of the chair. Notch fabric at the front of arms so that you have smooth corners.

Apply extra glue as needed.

Let dry.

Using cardboard from back as a template, create a fresh cardboard for the back of the chair. (15cm wide and 38cm long) Mark the holes where screws were on the template. Place new cardboard back on fabric and trace rectangle allowing about an inch of fabric on all sides.

Cut out back section of fabric.

Spray cardboard back with adhesive spray on one side. Lay sticky side of cardboard on wrong side of fabric for back, making sure it is centered on fabric.

Smooth fabric to make sure there are no bubbles or creases. 

Make a line of glue on long sides ONLY of cardboard and fold the long sides of fabric onto cardboard. Leave short ends free/unglued. 

Let dry.

Use a tack or reamer to mark where the holes for screws are on the finished side of the back.

Apply glue to rectangular top of chair and to the top of the inner edge. Matching cardboard of back to the top of the seat, press fabric overlap onto the chair and gently press back onto the chair, folding the back to fit the edges of the chair.

Apply more glue to the back of the chair and press the back section onto the chair. At the foot of the chair, once again apply glue to rectangle and a line of glue on the inner chair edge and press remaining back onto chair, pressing crease into back and matching cardboard to inner edge of chair.

Let dry.

Match up holes on legs to holes in back and screw legs of chair back.

Upholster seat cushion.

Use cardboard peeled from seat cushion as a template to cut fresh cardboard seat. (It is 15mm wide and 24mm long.) Use new seat cardboard as a pattern for the seat. 

Cut a section of fabric at least an inch wider on all sides than the template. Using disappearing marking pen, mark the template rectangle on the right side of the fabric. Mark the quilt lines on the right side of the fabric. The quilt sections on mine were 38mm wide by 48mm long.

Pin fabric to foam. Using a relatively long stitch length, sew first all around the edges of the marked rectangle. Don't stitch beyond marked lines or back stitch. You can pull the hanging threads to the back after you are done to secure them. 

Sew the long lines on the rectangle and then the short.

After securing all your threads to the back, trim the foam to the sewing lines.

Apply glue to edges of seat cardboard and fit cardboard to the back of cushion, matching corners. Press unquilted fabric sides to the cardboard, trimming if necessary and notching the corners of the fabric to ensure a smooth fit.

Apply glue all around edges of chair seat and to the seat itself. Press seat cushion onto chair making sure corners are even with chair and that no raw edges of fabric show at corners.


Thank you, Miriam, for permission to publish this!

If you'd like to visit Miriam's fashion website: