
Séduisante Elise W Club Exclusive

Approximately 7 months ago (July, 2017), members of the W Club were told that there would be a lottery for this 'basic' Elise who would have the interchangeable fashion to flat feet. Within a few days, we were told that there would be enough for all members to order - no lottery necessary.

Séduisante Elise has a simple palette with gold eyeshadow being the only highlight.
Her hair is straight with a center part.

She comes with her no-frills, cut-to-there bathing suit, a striped tote, sunglasses, earrings and a bracelet. To adorn her two sets of feet we have white sandals and blue strappy wedges.

Those of you who were around years ago, will recognize the coin-like jewelry from basic bathing beauties of the past. It's funny but I still have all that jewelry!

 I tried to pull one leg off and it finally came off after much careful tugging. Then I plugged in my heating pad and warmed the legs for about 10 minutes which made removal and replacement much easier.

I hope that many will have used that method or hot water instead of forcing the parts apart which would likely loosen or break the tabs.
Notice the placement of the connecting tab which is quite different from hand replacements we're used to.
I'm not a big fan of the flat feet as most people's feet aren't literally flat and totally flat feet look strange. They need an arch for a bit of realism.

This "beta" leg changing version doll was priced at $140. plus postage. That's pretty pricey for a bathing suit basic doll.We are paying for the new feature. They should have done this with Poppy Parker years ago.

Now I must decide what she'll be wearing and how to style her hair.


  1. She was priced at $120, not $140. I don't recall us having to order the flat feet separately, they came with the doll, right?

    1. That’s interesting regarding the price. I had two prices in my database. I wonder if i bought something else.

    2. Looking at the email, the deposit was $20 and the remainder to be billed $100. I certainly hope you did not pay $140. :)

  2. I rather like the haute, slightly more severe version of her in a paler skin tone. Don't forget the ubiquitous heating pad, especially for legs AND FEET!!!


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