
Poppy Parker 5th Anniversary Collection 2014 IFDC IT DIRECT Exclusive

 The W Club sent out this information to it's members earlier today. 

We just heard from the team and since they are starting to sell the IT Direct exclusive doll at the show, the W Club is happy to bring you dear members a first look at this very special Poppy Parker doll, a part of the fantastic 5th Anniversary souvenir collection!
Evening Ingenue

My first glimpse of this new Poppy was on my iPhone and I thought it was a 16" version.  She looks graceful and mature. A friend collector pointed out a similarity in her gown to that of "Forever" Vanessa Perrin's dress. The fabric looks similar but the scale of the lace overlay is nicer and so is the style. Sadly, Vanessa's dress was not popular at all. I believe this Poppy and her fashion will be extremely popular. 

More information on Evening Ingenue will be sent out after IFDC's Saturday night reveal of the event souvenir and the companion dolls.


  1. She's on a hybrid Poppy Parker body, with high heel feet. I don't care for her enough to want her (thankfully), but the fact that she's on a different body makes her an absolute no go for me. I have to have all my dolls of the same type on the same type of body or it drives me crazy LOL

    1. It's disconcerting to have "mismatched" dolls but I like too many different types of dolls so I had to get used to it.

  2. Sorry, Evermore Vanessa still looks better to me, lol


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