
IT 2011 ~ Part III of IV ~ FR2 and Nu.Fantasy

As part of the new FR2 line, we've been presented with two dolls, Dasha as The Minimalist and Dominique as Grand Gesture. Both dolls are $175. and their estimated delivery is the third quarter of 2011. (July, August, September).

The Minimalist Dasha

Grand Gesture Dominique
 Both dolls are stunning and so very different. Dasha is classy and casual. Dominique is spectacularly gowned and accessorized. I am curious about her hair!

 Nu. Fantasy

Malicious Nu.Fantasy $125.

Pure Nu.Fantasy $125.
These two went on my pre-order list immediately. Malicious is deliciously strange and she's wearing an amazing fashion. I hope her hair turns out as cool as it looks in the promo. Pure looks just like Erin and it's been a long time since we've had a gorgeous Erin.

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