
Picture of the Week Award ~ March 7, 2010

This week's Picture of the Week Award goes to Jill Reimann aka jbean on Prego.
Jill told me that the doll was originally a Moon Sybarite repainted by K. She's wearing a wig made by Ilaria at Time of Doll. She felt that the face-up was softer than the average Sybarite repaint and liked the peach lingerie because the tones tied in nicely. Jill sat the doll on a kitchen table facing a window in order to get natural light. The edge effect was created with iPhoto. The camera used is a Nikon Coolpix.

Congratulations, Jill, on your Picture of the Week Award.

1 comment:

  1. Pick of the week is amazing!

    I luv the doll's facial expression.


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