
Traveler By Nature Veronique - Makeover

Gown from Pewter Natalia. Jewelry by Joy.
Do you recognize this doll? Of course not. Nothing about her is original except her head sans hair and paint. This was Traveler By Nature Veronique from the amazing "Voyages" collections. She was released for sale in the winter of 2004 just around the time I began collecting FR. She's my second TBN. Promotional Photograph Property of Integrity Toys
I had her rerooted by Susan Korba about 2 years ago.
Black dress from the original Hollywood Royalty doll, Lana Turner.
She was magnificent and then I had the brilliant idea that I would enhance her eyes. FAIL.
Do you know how it goes? Do just a little more when it looks good...and then maybe a little here and a little there and then BAM. Messed up completely.

Photo needs to be inserted in three places.

1 comment:

  1. She looked much better before you changed her


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